Monday, April 16, 2012

In What Ways can Scott Pilgrim Be Considered as Postmodern?

Scott Pilgrim as I see it is postmodern because the whole film is filled with Intertextual references, an Intertextual reference is something in a film that could be a prop person or scene that links in with another media a texts. It is covered with references from video games a prime example of this is when Scott defeats one of Ramonas evil exes he is rewarded with coins, these coins are a reference from killing the enemies in River City Ransom.

Firstly we must understand postmodernism, it essentially is a rejection of modernism, which suggests that every piece of media is new and original. What postmodernism does is allow a media texts to be linked in with others in popular ways as a pastiche or homage. Homage is professional nod of acceptance and appreciation to another professional using the same style or Intertextual references. If we didn’t have this and carried on thinking every film is unique then a film like Scott Pilgrim vs. The World wouldn’t work or make sense and probably wouldn’t sell much. Not only does this film have Intertextual references from popular games and American TV shows it also has some made from the movie.

The narrative of the movie is that Scott falls in love with this new girl Ramona and in order to ‘be with her’ he must defeat her 7 evil exes with each ex being worse than the previous. During every fight scene with one of her exes there are links to what number that ex is all around for example when Scott is battling ex number 2 he is told it will take Lucas Lee two minutes to kick his ass’, he points two fingers when addressing Scott and after Lucas Less is defeated we see 2000 coins spring up in the air in the same fashion after killing someone on a game and many more references. This carries on throughout the film and the references link to the ex number.

Ramona’s third evil ex Todd Ingram is full of Intertextual references; in the whole film all the actors seem to have super powers that of which are scenes in video games but they’re not acknowledged until Todd who is said to have special vegan powers. The actor who plays Todd, Brandon Routh played superman in Superman Returns, which can be considered postmodern, as he has gone from playing a superhero to a villain. Furthermore when Todd looses his power fro the vegan police they shoot a green laser, which has connotations with vegetables and additionally kryptonite, and specifically green kryptonite that causes immediate physical pain and debilitation and kills within hours.

During the film nearly every major video game is referenced at some point from little icons on the bands drum to sound effects. I spoke before about how at the end of a fight scene between Scott and an evil ex the explode into coins, this is a reference from River City Ransom.

When Scott ‘gets it’ a sound effect is played from sonic the hedgehog when a zone is cleared. And this shows the Intertextual relationship between film and video games that is reinforced throughout the whole of the film. In addition the makes of the sound in the original sonic game are the people that made the soundtrack for Scott Pilgrim

Another relationship between video game and the movie is when Scotts sister is described and described as ‘Rated T for Teen’ this is also used as a rating for video games in America. 

1 comment:

  1. Harry

    Dont tell me what a intertextual reference could be, tell me what it is in the film and why it has been used.

    Your second paragraph is much better and shows a slightly better understanding of the purpose of PoMo. It does lose its way half way through the paragraph where you express your opinion but without any proof of what you say.

    The rest of your answer is more of a description of the film rather than an analysis. An easy way to examine the film is to discuss its video game format with levels and 'baddies' to face. You can then easily pick out all the references to computer games which fill the film.

    This answer just ends abruptly and there is no sense of debate. Like the majority of your class mates you can spot features but you cannot explain them. This is something you must work on as a matter of urgency.
