Monday, January 16, 2012

What do you understand by ‘creativity’ and to what extent have you been creative?

-       How have you tried to facilitate and encourage your own creativity?
-       We all were experienced at looking at music videos but when it came to creating our own storyboard we tried to stay clear of some ideas which was possible because we knew videos to make sure we didn’t incorporate their ideas. We also did use some ideas because our creativity could only stretch so far.
-       Did you experience limits/blocks on your own creativity?
-       No. We had a wide variety of props that meant we could do more out there scenes. We did have limitations with the band members because of their ages
-       How easy/difficult was it to be creative while still working to the brief?
-       It was very easy to create the music video to a brief and yet still be creative because I don’t all together remember considering the brief only that we had to use an existing song.
-       Did working within conventions stifle your creativity?
-       Our music video was all about trying to avoid conventions such as having a female in the band when the name of the band involved boys. We also kept close ups to a minimum and used no voyeurism at all. But as everything what ever we came up with had connotations with other forms of media on purpose or by coincidence.
-       To what extent did you need to work with others and ‘bounce ideas’ off other people to be truly creative?
-       Me Meg and Jess did this throughout the whole process of creating the video even during filming when we wanted to change ideas. We all had good ideas but as a group we did feel some of them needed to be tweaked to make the have effect.
-       How much of your creativity was about trying to picture things in your mind’s eye?
Because I had a lot of the props we used in the video I didn’t have a problem picturing it in the minds eye, however they didn’t always come out how I expected.
-       How much of your creativity was about trial and error?
Because our locations where spread out and time was a minimum we didn’t use trail and error because we thought about it at lengths when creating the storyboard. We did use time for re-shooting if lip-syncing was poor that we did allocate.
-       To what extent was a lack of confidence an issue in terms of your creativity?
I don’t think we had an issue with this as id like to think as a group we all had great amounts of confidence and I think this was a contributing factor in the success of the video because anything we thought may not work we tried anyway.
-       To what extent was a lack of technical competence/confidence an obstacle to your creativity?
Again I feel we all had confidence and the competence as we used camera that I and Jess were used to and an editing software I was used to. 

1 comment:

  1. Good responses to these, Harry.Don't forget;

    1. Creativity quotes x 3 2. A post on the lesson 'with the straws'
    3. The completed question on Creativity set last Monday
    4. Notes from the lesson
    It is YOUR responsibility to complete these tasks and if that means asking me or classmates and checking my or their Blogs, then please do so.

    Excellent discussions in class over the past 2 weeks; keep it up.
